Monday, May 2, 2011

5-A-Day Book Challenge - Week 4

All five books from past week were a big hit with Putti.
Ten Seeds
Ten seeds  by Ruth Brown has very few words to read. But the pictures convey the story of ten seeds and how only one flower is able to fully bloom and thengive ten seeds for planting again.

Llama Llama Misses Mama

Llama llama misses mama by Anna Dewdney was a first time read at our home. It has catchy rhymes and that was a big hit and has become a favorite now. Putti loved the book and was able to retell many pages of the book. She pointed out how a couple of kids in her school miss their mamma. She never had a problem when she started preschool, not even on first day, she had said bye with a big smile!!
Hop on Pop
Hop on Pop by Dr. Seuss has been a favorite book here. Love all the rhyming words, funny story bits and the illustrations. Putti knows most parts of this book by heart now. And thanks to the book, she now stops hopping on her dad's tummy when asked to stop because the book says so:)
Splash, Joshua, Splash!
Splash, Joshua, Splash! by Malachy Doyle was another first read. Liked the rhythmic, repetitive language and splashing! Putti loved the part where Joshua jumps in all of the water puddles(her fav act too). Her favorite illustration in the book was its endpapers which are splashed with paint, Jackson Pollock-style:)

A Snack for Jack By Mary Elizabeth Salzmann is a simple book that teaches 'ack' word family and is great for beginning readers.
5 a day books

Books for this week :
The Sheep is asleep by Kelly Doudna
The Little Red Hen by Paul Galdone
Each Peach Pear Plum by Allan Ahlberg
Brown bear brown bear by Bill Martin Jr
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Great choices! I need to read some stories about seeds so this is helpful. Thanks!

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