Happy Birthday, now you’re two.
and you use it to tell us so.
You love swings like all kids do,
you make friends wherever you go,
Healthy foods you love to eat,
Fruits, veggies are all a treat.
You love the park, and the zoo.
Words come out in sentences now,
always learning, show me how.
Barney doll, quack-quack duck,
Words come out in sentences now,
always learning, show me how.
Barney doll, quack-quack duck,
You love all animal book
You have learned the power of no, and you use it to tell us so.
You love swings like all kids do,
you make friends wherever you go,
Healthy foods you love to eat,
Fruits, veggies are all a treat.
Khushi and Suhani are your cousins,
Showering you always sweet wishes
Showering you always sweet wishes
Friends come to wish you
Happy Birthday Sahitya Two!!
Wish u a Very Very Happy 2nd B'day!!!
Ninna 2ne Huttida Habbakke
Ajji Thatha Koduva
Preethiya Mutthu galu
Sukavagiru PUTTI
Happy Birthday puTTi!!!
ಹುಟ್ಟು ಹಬ್ಬದ ಹಾರ್ದಿಕ ಶುಭಾಶಯಗಳು. ಸ೦ತಸದ ದಿನಗಳು ನೂರಾರಾಗಿ ಮರಳಲಿ.
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