Thursday, January 5, 2012

Birthday Balloons Play!!

Putti's loved playing with these balloons on the floor of her room !!! 
Putti's birthday was on the weekday again and all these part years, we had her party at home and hence had managed to do it on the same day. But this time with her dad's new job and we deciding to do it outside, her party was on the new years eve. And since it was winter break for her at her school, I wanted something special for her day. But did not want anything elaborate as we still had some last minute work for the party next day. So, I planned this little surprise for her on the morning of her birthday.
I filled her play room with as many balloons I had at home and waited there with my camera until she woke up....
                                                  To capture her surprise/happy face :-) 
 She jumped right into them...
 Loved playing with them... 
 Throwing them in the air..
Throwing again n again..

She played these balloons for most part of the day and has continued to play with them all week now:))
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Simple and innocent joys of a child! These pictures brought instant smile to my face!
And hey - LOVE that banner of yours. It's beautiful!

What a fun way to celebrate! Happy Birthday to your daughter!

Thanks everyone for the wishes! She did have a FUN time:)
And thanks rashmie, i love new header too.

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