Welcome back to the Kids Co-op!! There were over 170 lovely posts linked up to last week's Kid's Co-op . Putti has been fascinated by Dinosaurs and had a Dino week at her school. So, we have been reading about Dinosaurs. Here are my picks for the week featuring Dinosaurs:
- Love the Dinosaur Letter Practice at Make Do and Friend
- Our Feminist Play School created a dinosaur excavation site.
- Love the creative Stegosaurus from recyclables at Our School at Home.
- Happy Whimsical Hearts had great fun creating some Dinosaur Land with Plasticine

- Share your kids play, creative and learning ideas – whether baby, toddler, kindergarten play or teen we would love to see them all.
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- Each week, we will try to choose some favorite posts to feature. By linking up you are giving us permission to use an image with link back to you. You will also get a "Featured On" button to proudly display on your blog.
- Visit other posts that catch your eye. Commenting on posts that you love or find intersting is a wonderful way to build your own blog community.
- Please grab the 'Kids Co-op' button from my sidebar and pop it into your blog/post.
Thanks so much for sharing our dino dig. You are so inspiring, it makes me feel all shiny inside that you would share our post!
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